There are somethings money just can't buy!
When I think about the end results of losing my coaching job, the positives far out weigh the negatives.Obviously the loss of income is a major financial set back I've been there before and survived, I am sure I will once again. I also feel bad for the 100's of clients that I am no longer working with.I know they will be fine. I just feel as if I abandoned them.I also will miss the opportunity to hone my skills as a communicator, coach and mentor.The pluses however are huge,starting with how much free time I now have. Much like the money I no longer spend on junk food and treats , I have no idea where the extra time has gone,however I was spending hours upon hours daily texting. My morning started at 7 am and I was under heavy text fire until at least 10:30. Then texts would roll in through out the day til way after midnight.It was just not a time thing,. It was stressful and took it's toll on me emotionally.While the majority of my daily texts were fairly banal in that people were just texting their weight and all I had to do was acknowledge,encourage and support,there were still plenty of texts from people who were struggling for any of a host of reasons.In the 15 to 16 hours a day where I was exposed to these texts, unbeknownst to me it was exacting a price on my emotions.
I am also now free to use all of my resources to promote Why Weight.While coaching for a competitor, I had a professional obligation to separate myself from a part of my life that I am passionate about. Now I am free to speak openly about Why Weight,a program that is far superior to what my employers were offering.
The biggest plus is that I no longer have to have the daily conversation with myself around what I believe,professionally,ethically and morally. While coaching for the other company I found myself literally standing in front of a mirror every day and asking myself"why am I doing this?". "How can I continue to do this and stay true to my own sense of right and wrong? " I truly struggled with this.I found my way by ultimately writing a script that allowed me to stick to my own beliefs and understanding of how this program works and putting it in front of my clients in a way that they had the ability to choose which path to follow. I never dismissed or challenged my employers program. Rather, I simply shared what I know worked for myself and 100's of others thus allowing each client to make an educated decision.
That internal conflict is now gone.
Lastly, in this case, I am no longer working with people I do not care for. In the end, I had no respect for them or the way they handled business.They treated no one with respect. Not the clients, the counselors or the coaches including myself.
Looking back,while I convinced myself that the money was a necessary evil, it was evil money.They were not people of good moral values and I am most definitely in a better place even without their money.
There are some things ,like self respect, that money can not buy!
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