Thursday, April 14, 2016

Just a stroll in the park!

Maybe I didn't think my day out as well as I might have.My charge for the day was to spend the better part of it in NYC.My plan called for me to park around 26th street , work my way down to see a few customers and swing back,, my last stop before heading home on 21st street. 
At least I thought it was. The first leg of my hike took me from where I parked straight down Broadway.....30 some odd blocks!
Not a bad walk. It was a bit chilly in the shade of the buildings,pleasant but nippy.
I got to my first meeting 45 minutes early so I walked a few more blocks until I found a place to by a coffee.
I answered texts for a while and then headed back up to my client.Next I headed over one avenue to Lafayette and back up town about 12 blocks.They weren't open for another 20 minutes so I stood around waiting. (Are you starting to see what is coming?).
After taking a store tour and and chatting for a half an hour it was on to stop #3...another 10 blocks up 3rd ave.I knew that this visit would be more standing around and I was right. After an hour,it was on to what would be my last visit before heading home. This one,10 more blocks and 3 avenues over.As I started to head off to this last appointment I realized that my feet were barking at me. I mean screaming.Now I had a dilemma.Push on or call a cab. Maybe a more prudent choice would have been to hail a taxi,but not Mr. I Won't Quit.
I made it to my customer and eventually headed to my car.My feet .....don't ask.
I felt like an old man. 
Willy Loman!
It made me sad.After all of the hard work,the workouts,the weight loss and the months upon months of working on a better me, it was obvious that no matter how many changes have transpired, the damage to my body that carrying all of that weight for all of those years has taken its toll.
Once in the car, I downed some water and I started feeling better. I sipped water all the way back to Jersey. First one bottle then another.
I came home,spent a few hours working and before preparing dinner, changed into sweats and too k off my shoes.
It's now almost 8 pm.
My feet? They are still sore.
I am no longer sad though.
The pounding on the pavement kicked my butt.
The good news, I didn't give in.
I'll sleep well tonight and by morning, the sore feet will be a memory.
I'll take that!

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