Over the last few days, a number of people have asked me " with the storm coming, what are your plans"?
Well,I plan to deliver meals like I do every day.
Isn't that what we do?
We deliver meals to our Senior community, who for any of a number of reasons, need our help.
One would think that in a snow storm, our service would be as important as it ever is.
I'm not a nut job.
It was a snow storm, not a blizzard.
If I had any trepidations, I would have made arrangements to deliver an extra meal yesterday.
That would have been a last resort.
One of the special things about our program is that these seniors get a fresh meal delivered daily.
It's not frozen,it's fresh.
To them, it's not so much about the freshness.
It's that someone is reaching out to them 5 days a week.
It's part of their routine.
It allows them to connect.
Surely a snowstorm or some inclement weather shouldn't disrupt that.
The day was not without it's challenges.
50 mph was reduced to 15.
Highways where I normally go 60-65 mph were reduced to 25-30.
The snow was an issue.
So were the gusting winds.
I could feel the stress building in my lower back, my neck and my legs as we drove on.
The roads were not in very good shape.
Fortunately, we only got stuck once and for only a very short period before I could extricate ourselves.
By days end,we made 49 out of the 50 deliveries we had on the route for the day.
One house was just impossible to get to.Now that things have calmed down, I will jump out and deliver the last one as well.
It's what makes our program so special.
It's what we do.
Besides, it's bright and subby out now.
Why was everyone in such a panic?
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