Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 I know,it's been quite a while since you've heard from me.No excuses,I've just been really sick.

Right after the election, I started feeling really rundown.Day after day,it became harder and harder to get up in the morning. As the day wore on,I felt listless and had no energy to do anything.
Day after day,my energy level seemed to get worse and worse.
It got to the point where I could barely get through the day.
I wasn't sick from the Coronavirus.
I was sick OF the Coronavirus and all that accompanies it.
I was sick of the incessant doom and gloom.
I was sick of masks and nonsensical lunacy around wearing or not wearing them.
I was sick of social distancing,isolation,quarantining, and the hypocrisy of those dictating these terms to me.
I was sick of seeing thriving businesses closing and going under.
I was sick of every idiot telling me about the "science" of it all,most of whom couldn't pass high school bio!
I was sick of the rhetoric that has been fueling such divisiveness.
I was sick of it all.
So sick that the mere thought of sitting down at my computer to write made me want to just go back to bed.
What a shame!
After 7 years of writing on a fairly regular basis, I couldn't summon the strength to even type a single thought.
Today, I finally realized that there will never be a vaccine that can cure my illness.
There is no magic pill or potion to take.
The only way I can begin to get better is through therapy.
If you've ever needed P.T., the only way it works is if you buy in completely and push yourself.
It can be painful.
It can be exhausting.
It takes an enormous amount of commitment and hard work.
That's just the way it goes.
You know what they say about commitment.
Commitment is doing those things you said you were going to do after the mood that you said it in has left you.
It's time to feel better.
That can only come with one thing....hard work.
Today I found myself standing at the bottom of the staircase.
There is only one way to get to the top.
Take the first step,and then one more, and then one more and then........

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