Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's not even Bah Humbug

 It is the holiday season.

Tonight is the first night of Hanukah and we are 2 weeks away from Christmas eve.
Yet in these strangest of times, I have to admit,it doesn't feel very festive out there.
Those who would control every aspect of our lives are consistently bombarding us with "this is not the year to be with friends and family".
Okay,I get it,but it all seems to have had a numbing effect on the spirit of the season.
It's not that they are being Scrooges.
It's way worse than that.
Scrooge hated the holiday season.
So much so that he would lash out with his famous Bah..Humbug! aiming at any anyone and everyone.
Hate is an emotion.
I can deal with emotions.
Apathy is a lack of emotion.
It is emptiness.
It's not caring.
It's being indifferent.
This is what I seem to be seeing all around me.
There is no holiday cheer.
There are no good tidings.
Wassail has been replaced by wassup.
We're feeling it at The Grooming Shoppe.
Since we opened over 4 years ago, the weeks before Christmas have been booked solid by mid November.
Not this year.
Well, people aren't having guests over so it really doesn't matter if Fluffy gets all cleaned up.
December 25th is just another day on the calendar.
Sadly, there will be no annual holiday mug this year,mostly because I really didn't have an inspiring message to print on it.
With Christmas day being on Friday, even the folks in my tribe will have a hard time finding kosher take out for dinner!
Really sad!
Passover was a really tough time for me.
It was the beginning of this quarantine and I was devastated missing our traditional seder.
Now during this holiday season,there is no devastation. Just a whole lot of nothing.
I almost prefer the pain I felt back in April to the nothingness I am experiencing at this time of year.
Like I said,sad,very sad!

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