Monday, June 15, 2020

Phase 2

“Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” 
–Winston Churchill
NJ enters Phase 2 of the Corona Comeback today.
With all that is opening up today ,my life actually changes very little.
My seniors still need meals delivered.
My shopping will remain condensed to 1 day a week since we are still required to wear masks and I think I have been pretty clear about how I feel about wearing them.
Face to face meetings are still touchy.
Mask/no mask.
Hand shake/no handshake.
Way too restrictive for my taste.
I have become a much better planner so using Amazon or other Etail platforms is working just fine for me.
Bottom line is for the foreseeable future, life will remain as it has been for the last 3 months.
The biggest difference as I mentioned last week,is that there are a lot more cars on the road,which is never a good thing.
More cars = more bad drivers.
The added component to all of this is people who have taken up walking.
During the shutdown folks longing to get out of the house and get some exercise took to walking.
Walking right down the middle of the road. With less cars, this seemed like a great idea. Today,with hundreds of cars returning to the roadways,the walkers have yet to figure out that sidewalks might be a better option.
This is becoming a hazard.
My morning bus runs are beginning to resemble running the gauntlet.
Welcome to Phase 2.
Something that doesn't phase me in the least.

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