Sunday, June 28, 2020

All things come to an end

“The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance.
Proceed, and light will dawn and shine with increasing clearness on your path.”
 -Jim Rohn
All things,good and bad, eventually come to an end.
So it is with our yearly 4th of July barbecue at my synagogue.
I honestly can't recall how many years this event has been ongoing.
More than 10 and less than 20.
This year the 4th of July falls on a Saturday ,which as you know is the Sabbath and we would have to work around that,something we have done in the past.
However, given the challenges presented by the protocols around Covid 19, there really is no opportunity or reason, to even consider holding the event this year.
End result?
The annual 4th of July BBQ is another casualty of this quarantine.
At least for me. Who knows what the future will bring? Somebody else may decide to pick up where I left off.
For me,it's just time to let go and move on.
A little sad.
While numbers have declined over the last 3 or 4 years, this gala drew over 300 people from our community for many years.
What started out as a post parade celebration for the handful of people who participated in building and manning our float entry to the Paramus 4th of July Parade, quickly became a social landmark for our community.
I remember year 1,when we had anticipated the small group who worked on the float.
I bought a tiny grill and a bunch of hotdogs and hamburgers.
Before the first offerings came off of the fire, I realized that we were woefully under prepared and about to be overwhelmed.
I sent people out to the supermarket and the butcher to grab more of everything.
A lot more.
We had planned on 25-30.
I bought for 50.
We ended up feeding over 150
The following year, we bought a bigger grill.Planned for 150,bought for 200, and had to send out to buy more again.
The next year, we bought for 300,a number that stood strong for at least 10 more years.
We had a great run.
We had a lot of fun.
Now that fun is done.
And we move on.......
Shavua Tov!

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