Sunday, June 7, 2020

Heading back towards normal

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”
 -Peace Pilgrim
Just a couple of days after Susan's procedure, things here are heading back towards normal.
With the exception of the postoperative restricted activities, Susan is enjoying most of her everyday lifestyle.
That's a good thing.
As a matter of fact,as I venture out into the real world, it is starting to feel a bit more normal out there as well.
With the change in the weather, more and more people are appearing on the streets, and not just protesters.
Funny how a little diversion can change your focus.
After weeks and weeks of the constant blaring about a virus that was about to end civilization as we knew it, people have found a new cause celeb.
And for those of us who rejected the whole quarantine thing, and are not carrying protest signs, we have been able to get to work and start to clean up after the storm.
Even the dumbest of those in charge, who's agendas have kept us locked down for months, have found a way to save face while slowly (albeit way too slowly) start opening things up again without fearing blowback from their supporters, who as I said,may be too busy carrying signs and singing songs of peace and solidarity.
All good,just as long as we can get back to a life that resembles something of what it was like before all of this mishagash!
Shavua Tov!

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