Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What's your hurry?

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
Winston Churchill
"Summer's almost over".
It's 8:10 in the morning on August 27th and this is the greeting I get from my first pick up of the day.
It's August 27th.
That means there are a good 3 weeks left of summer.
Given that each season is app. 13 weeks, that means there is still almost 25% of summer left.
You're 90 years old.
The average life expectancy of a female in the U.S. is juts over 78.
By your calculations ...........well 'nuff said!
She wasn't the only person I heard this nonsense from yesterday.
I was on the phone with Becca as she pulled up to the drive-thru window at Starbucks.
"Ooooh ......Starbucks has their Fall pumpkin flavors out!" she remarked.
NO! Too early for Fall!
In the stores, back to school which has been out since early July is now on mark down.
Halloween is displayed everywhere.
Labor Day sales started 2 weeks ago.
What's the rush?
where is everyone going?
Can we just slow down a minute?
Carpe Diem!

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