Sunday, August 25, 2019

Divine Intervention?

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."
~ Bruce Lee 
A week ago Thursday, as I was finishing up my last run of the day which coincidentally was my last run for the week, and just happened to be the last of my late evening runs that I had taken on for the summer, I conceded to myself that I was tired.
I don't normally give into that mindset, however, between the heat, the humidity,the extra hours on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, I was spent.
I felt like I needed a break,some me time.
Not a lot, just something different to break up the routine.
I thought to myself "I should reach out to my friend Kevin and ask when we can grab a lunch.
Kevin , one of my oldest friends dating back to high school, reaches out whenever he is passing through and has the time to grab a bite and catch up.
This is always a treat for me and I tend to drop whatever else I have going on to take advantage of this rare visit.
That was last Thursday.
The next morning at around 10:15 as I was sitting at my desk I got a text message.
"Free for lunch ?"
Hell Yeah!
He suggested we meet at the last rest area on the Garden State Parkway.
I suggested something healthier and he was fine with that.
Now I am not a big believer in prayer.
I don't buy that if I pray hard enough good things will happen.
If in fact there is a Supreme Being, I am almost certain he has more on his , or here, plate than dealing with my trivial requests.
Still the fact that a mere 14 hours after I sent this thought out to the Universe, I got this text message feels like more than a coincidence.
Even weirder is that he was not just passing through the area.
On this particular morning, he chose to reach out, take the 40 minute drive down, just t meet up with me.
The Laws of Attraction are a powerful force.
Answered prayers?
I dunno.
Divine intervention?
A truly special gift?
Shavua Tov!

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