Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Holiday Season

 “Life is not just the passing of time. Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity.”
~ Jim Rohn
Today is Tisha B'Av.
Tisha B’Av, the ninth of the month of Av, is a day of mourning for Jews. It is the day Jews remember the destruction of both Temples that once stood in Jerusalem as well as a number of other tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people over the course of history.
For me, this day always marks the beginning of the end of Summer as well as the start of the march towards the High Holiday season.
If you want to learn more about this day I have added a link:

In the past,I fasted , went to shul (when possible) and limited my activities in accordance to the traditions surrounding this solemn day.
That was in the past.
My views as well as my participation in ritualized religion have taken a sharp turn over the last couple of years.
I can't pinpoint why or exactly when this change began.
I'm not even sure if it's important to know.
What I do know is that none of it works for me.
Not that I judge anyone else. If it works for you, that's great.
For me,not so much.
None of this bodes well for me as I head into the aforementioned High Holiday season.
I know what I am supposed to do.
I am more than just familiar with the customs and rituals that are part of this season.
I am just having a hard time participating in them.
Not for me.
Laws and customs?
Let's just say I have some questions.
A higher power?
Wow.......let's not even go there.
So you can see,as we head into this upcoming holiday season, that I may be in for some rocky waters.
Today we read Eicha, The Book of Lamentations.
Eicha , literally translates to how.
For me, I seem to be stuck on why.
Shavua Tov!

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