“Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in, has left you.”
~ Various
Once again,when I opened Facebook, I saw yet another picture of a dear friend and her husband , a glass of wine in hand, sitting in a restaurant in some far off land.
"Where are they this time?" I thought.
Then I thought,how many different pictures of people I know have I seen that look exactly like this one.
Smiling couple.
Glass of wine.
Sitting in a restaurant.
With a caption saying "having the time of our lives (or something similar) in wherevereville".
For all I know they could be right around the corner at some quaint restaurant here in Northern New Jersey.
I am not much of a traveler.
I've spent way too much time on planes for business , gone to way too many places again on business, to long for a trip to just about anywhere.
If I was a wine drinker, maybe these pictures would make me a bit envious.
Not a wine drinker.
Not a traveler either.
Susan and I eat out quite often.
One thing I have come to know about myself is that fancy restaurants don't impress me either.
When I mentioned this to my son, he said that part of the whole travel experience is indulging when dining.
As a person who is constantly vigilant about a) food choices ( both for health and religious reasons) b) spending money (why pay 10x's as much for something that isn't any better than what I can make, and c) my weight (completely separate from healthy food choices), I can understand why it is that I just don't get excited about that whole experience.
Am I missing out on some great secret of how to live a better life?
If that's true, that would be a real shame.
Maybe the answer is I should take up drinking wine.
I wonder how that will work out for me?
Well, you know what they say,there's no time like the present
Shavua Tov.