"Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible."
~ Shiv Khera
When I first sat down at my computer today, I had no idea what I wanted to write about.
The one thing I was certain of was that I wanted to keep up the good mojo and make sure that I wrote for the 4th day in a row.
You can't write everyday if you skip a day. You can't write for a week straight until you have written for 6 days in a row.
I'm sure you get the picture.
As I sat staring out of the window,I noticed a number of half done projects.
I took the pool down and mulched that area 8 weeks ago.
The rest of the yard has yet to be dealt with.
The family room, dining room and kitchen are still under construction .
The deck needs to be power washed.
The lawn is a bit overgrown.
IF I chose to, I could get down on myself for everything that's unfinished.
Or, as I have opted for, I can feel good about what has gotten accomplished so far.
When I look at the area where the pool once was, I see the potential for the garden/sitting area we are creating.
The deck is scheduled to be power washed sometime in July, after all of this rain and once the bulk of the remodel of the inside of the house is done.
The lawn will get cut ,probably over the weekend.
Things are getting done.
Not just grand projects like tearing down the pool or reconfiguring our family space.
Little things are being taken care of as well.
Yesterday, I took apart the kerfuffle of wires that were connected to my computer.
All cleaned up, I now have everything that was once disconnected reconnected and in a fashion that when I have to move things around when the work starts again , it won't be the mess that I had last week.
I was able to bring power to the tortoise's tank so that we could turn the heat lamps back on.
The poor little guy was freezing!
The counter top is cleared so I can now prepare meals once again.
(Eating out is a) expensive and b) not as healthy!).
Little changes make a big difference!
Remember that old adage I coined a few years back:
"Incremental is Monumental!"
I am reminded of the whole glass half ull/glass half empty argument.
It's all in how you choose to look at it.
My choice has always been it's my glass and I can fill it as much as I want as many times as I want as often as I went whenever I choose to do so!
Little things count!
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