Sunday, June 23, 2019

June Word of the Month

  "If you knew you couldn't play tomorrow, how hard would you play today"
~ wall of Mission BBQ

June Word of the Month
  1. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
  2. synonyms:motive, motivation, grounds, cause, impetus, occasion, reason, point, basis, justification
Yesterday I attended the commencement exercises for the 92nd class of graduates from
The Holy Name School of Nursing.
My daughter Sara was one of the graduates.
I'm not one of those parents who gushes with pride at these events.
I am not given to hooting and hollering when my kids receive their diploma, award or certificate.
Making a spectacle of myself, or for that matter of the accomplishment itself,is not my style.
Don't get me wrong, my heart fills as much as anyone's, I just choose to be more reserved .
There were speeches galore yesterday, as there always are at these types of events.
Again, not my cup of tea but standard bill of fare.
The keynote speaker, a past graduate from the nursing school, shared her personal Journey with us in great detail.
Laced throughout her speech, was the concept of PURPOSE.
The message for those who stayed awake and paid attention, was clear.
Find your purpose.
The word PURPOSE resonated with me, hence that is why I have chosen it as my June Word of the Month.
Interestingly, when I Googled the word, there was no definition that seemed to capture the passion and depth of meaning that the keynote speaker was trying to impart to us.
Still,for me, the word PURPOSE strikes a chord in me.
It is directly connected to my core desire to be significant.
The two words are linked together.
A life with PURPOSE is a life of significance.
The question I find myself asking is must I know my purpose to have one?
Can I be significant without knowing (read having) a purpose?
How and when will I realize my purpose?
The more I explore this the more lost I feel.
I suppose that's called personal growth!

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