Sunday, January 8, 2023

 "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."


Robert F. Kennedy

The start of week #2 of the new year. As I intimated in a post last week, 2023 has begun with a "quiet" start. And I don't mean in a good way.

As I do every Sunday morning, I ran numbers for the week today. As expected, they were less than stellar. As this is the beginning of the second full year of being open, I now have the ability to look back and compare week to week year to year.

No surprise when I looked grooming was down (significantly) and retail was up(pleasantly). In the end, week to week comparisons were basically flat which I suppose one could consider a god thing.

One could consider not losing ground a positive.

I am not "one".

Moving forward does not mean walking in place.

It gets me no where!

The good news is, not having fallen backwards leaves me in a position to build with out having to recapture what ever ground we may have lost.

Goals, or more appropriately, targets I had set for 2022 fell way short.

The only real choice for moving forward is to reset.

I can't magically just get to where I had hoped to be.

Bemoaning shortfalls is an absolute waste of time, energy and resources. My focus is now on reevaluating and establishing new progress markers.

These missed goals are by no means any kind of failure on my part. There are no coulda, woulda, shoulda's here.

What is here is the opportunity to make some course corrections and add whatever is needed to my tool bag to make the positive changes I am looking for.

Simple enough!

I have no time to dwell in the cursed house of woe is me, other wise known as loserville.

You have to love the fact that there are always lessons, and always opportunities to grow!

Pretty cool huh!

Shavua Tov!

(which is how we say "have a good week!")




Keep Telling the Stories!


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