Saturday, June 19, 2021

What's Next................

 “The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:

Decide what you want.”
Ben Stein

What's next?

Right now, there is no what's next.
The twofold mission for the next few months will be a) to get the new shop up and running and b) make sure that financially we don't fall behind now that I am unemployed.
I am not concerned about either of these.
I know what needs to be done (Okay, famous last words!)
Seriously, I have a plan and a vision and the commitment to make this happen.
That's a formula for success that I can deal with.
While the plan is not immutable and is always open to adjustments and the vision has much more potential than I imagine, the inevitable goal of success is never a question.
There is however an uneasiness beginning to germinate someplace deep in the recesses of my thoughts.
I am pretty much a "go along get along" kind of person.
I like going about my business and for the most part I stay out of other's affairs.
Live and let live.
I am not out to start a revolution, overturn society or establish a new world order.
Yes, I hope that along the way, I can do my part to make a difference and leave the world a slightly better place than when I first got here.
For the most part I will leave you to live your life and I hope that you will afford me the same courtesy.
Lately however, this way of being seems to becoming under scrutiny if not under an all out attack.
Our town now has a "Quality of Life" inspector, which can only make me imagine that we have a Quality of Life department.
Sounds way too Big Brother for me and in my brief exposure to them it is.
I also just had a visit from the town's health department.
Seems the neighbor directly behind me is terrified that my dogs will escape the yard and maul her to death.
I've lived in this house for 39 years. My dogs got out of the yard once, about 30 years ago. Different dogs, different neighbor and trust me the hole in the fence was fixed immediately.
Traffic has always been an issue in our town. Boasting no less than 5 malls and countless shopping centers, Paramus' population on any given Staurday grows 100 fold.
We've never had a Main Street , so that " hometown" experience was never anything part of our daily life.
Suburbia is becoming less sub and more urban.
As this continues, I fear that my humble abode will no longer be the oasis that I hoped that it would be.
My fortress of solitude will no longer be that Eden where I find peace and tranquility.
Today, my focus is The Petcare Market and making ends meet.
There will come a time however, where my attentions will be diverted and I will have to address what's next.
Day 4 of plenty more!

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