I guess one could call this an end of an era.
Today is move my office day. After 25 years, Susan can now have the entire family room back.
While I have had other offices as well over the last quarter century, I have always maintained a home office as well.
I got my first computer in this office, way back in 1999 (I think?).
This will be the last time I write to you from home, at least for the foreseeable future.
I've begun the task of sorting through what will move later today and what will ultimately end up in the trash.
This is a very binary process, no maybe I'll need it someday pile.
In or out, period!
I probably am more apprehensive than exited.
I like my comfort zones and this little corner of the world has been my greatest one for a very long time.
Over the years, it has moved from one side of the room to the other, either the northwest or northeast.
Always the same basic configuration.
At one point, when we gave up the Teaneck office, it was much larger, housing 2 desks and multiple file cabinets.
My home office has even served as a warehouse and shipping and distribution center at times.
During those years , it has also been the home for up to as many as 21 animals at once.
We've managed to cut that down significantly over the years.
Now it will be just a family room.
With the girls no longer living here and the repurposing of a bedroom that Max now uses as his "mancave", and without my office, this living space that was something akin to the common space of a frat house, will take on a whole new feeling.
A new era indeed.
Or maybe just another new opportunity
Shavua Tov!
Day 13
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