"Be the silence that listens."
~ Tara Brach
About a year and a half ago, inspired by the Me Too Movement, I launched what I call the What About Me Movement.
At that time, I was asked if I could help out with something and before just saying yes to this request, I thought to myself,What about Me? What is in this for David? What does David gain from this?
To be honest, the whole idea of even thinking this way made me very uncomfortable. For my entire life, I can only remember responding sure why not, when asked to step up to do something, never once thinking what's in it for David.
Ultimately, it turned out to be a very wise choice on my part and since that time, I try (with a capital T) to remember to at least consider the benefit and or cost to myself before just saying yes.
I can't say that I have become an expert at this, however, I am at least conscious of it more often than in the past.
Over the last few days or so, I found myself jumping in and resolving situations that have popped up.While the cost to me was minimal, each of these situations meant that I had to step up and give more of myself addressing things that someone else should have and or could have taken care of.
This was more than what about me,this was TGFD.
Thank Goodness For David!
Saying that is so out of my comfort zone.
It seemed so absurd to say out loud that each time I was asked to step in or step up, I completed each task with a resounding Thank Goodness For David. Eventually, I found myself repeating TGFD over and over again. My colleagues and coworkers were as appreciative as the were amused.
Of course TGFD!
Why not TGFD?
If not for David then who?
It's so embarrassing to say,it's just easier to be obnoxious about it.
Why not?
Now if I could just get myself to believe this!
Shabbat Shalom!
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