Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happy Halfway New Year!

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."
Arthur Rubinstein

Today is the halfway point of the year. (Actually sometime around noon tomorrow).
Looking back, I find that I am less than impressed with my performance so far in 2019
I often hear people say things last year wasn't a good year for me.
I have a problem with that view point. The "year" is a period of time on the calendar. Time can not be good or bad.
How I use that time, what I do with that time and how I show up during that time is on me.
Looking back at the first half of this year, I would have to say I am certainly less than satisfied with what I have accomplished.
To be fair, I have to take into account that I have a tendency to be a little hard on myself (Just a tad!).
Still, it's my life and my expectations are real to me.
At best, I have been doing an okay job of treading water.
The problem is as you tread water, eventually you tire.
As you tire, you get closer and closer to going under.
Eventually you succumb, give up and drown.
I had a brief conversation with my daughter Becca about this yesterday.
In that conversation, I realized that with a little bit of effort and some well directed focus, I can change direction and get to moving forward fairly easily.
I'm not talking about sweeping changes in strategy.
More like developing a forward plan that is achievable and instituting that plan.
And then of course adding to and building upon that plan.
It all starts with a single step.
(Gee....where have I heard that before?)
Let's see :
A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
You can't get to the top of the staircase without taking the first step.
You can't score a run without getting to first base.
(I'm sure there are many more but you get the picture!)
Recognizing where I am is step 1.
Evaluating where I am is step 2.
Now all I need to do is start formulating a forward plan.
One step at a time!

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