Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fine China

“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.”
~ Deepak Chopra
So now that the contractors have departed, the furniture has been put back in place and life is starting to become a bit more normalized, it's time to find places for items that were displaced during the remodel.
There are approximately 20 boxes of these artifacts tucked away in 3 areas of the house where they are out of the way for the time being.
I am confident that slowly but surely, we will make our way through these treasure chests of family artifacts and find places for everything.
There are of course a few boxes,2 or 3, that are filled with the fine china that used to be housed in a piece of furniture that now resides in a landfill somewhere here in North Jersey.
My quandary is why do we even have fine china?
Truth be told, I believe in the almost 4 decades that Susan and I have been together, we haven't used these dishes a half dozen times.
More importantly, I can't imagine anytime in the immediate,never mind extended future, when we might have the occasion to use them again.
So why are we hanging on to them?
I posed this question to some friends and co-workers and the best response anyone had was "can't you display them?".
Seriously,service for 12 for display purposes?
Sounds preposterous considering the limited space one has in a home built on a slab.
I'm sure that over the next few weeks, I will find a storage space that will accommodate these family heirlooms.
That doesn't mean that once I do that I will have a better understanding as to why we even have fine china.
Some questions, like stones, are better left unturned.

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