Saturday, May 18, 2019

So what happened to yesterday?

“Your thoughts, your words, and your actions created the life you are living. You create your results—no one else.”
~ Larry Winget
After 4 days in a row of writing to you,whammo,I disappeared again.
What was that about?
Well,let's just chalk it up to s#!t happens.
Fridays are my non driving day.
I don't call them my day off since I just don't take days off!
I woke up feeling like crap.
Everything ached.
My color was poor.
I was sore all over.
Everything I did seem to suck the life out of me.
I walked from the car to the house and had to sit down.
I grocery shopped,came home,unpacked and needed a break.
Lethargic barely describes the way I was feeling.
Since I already had a doctors appointment scheduled for noon,I was content to not worry about how I was feeling.
I did notice that even my voice was very airy and had no energy behind it.
He checked me over and sent me home.
Diagnosis: who knows....just take it easy for the day.
So that's kind of what I did.
Prepared Shabbat dinner for 11 people,made 2 trips to Lowes,another trip to Home Depot,helped Becca set up our new grooming table, taking catch my breath breaks along the way.
After dinner it was 1 more trip to Lowes and then back home where I promptly said good night to Susan who I had not seen all day and went to bed,hoping that the morning would bring a new refreshed version of me.
It worked!
Shabbat Shalom!

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