Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Getting better every day

“The best way to stay healthy is to talk to your body first.”
~ Sonia Choquette
I didn't think I would have the opportunity to write to you today.
I was supposed to take the nursery school kids from the JCC on their first class trip today.
Somehow there was a break down in communication and in the end 2 busses showed up,mine and the one they hired from an outside agency.
Given that they were committed to paying for the other vehicle, I found myself as the odd man out .
A couple of hours of lost pay vs. some unexpected free time.
One of life's glass half something situations!
So with the few minutes that I gained for myself, I now have the chance to keep the proverbial ball rolling and write for the second day in a row.
The hand is improving a little bit every day. I can actually use my thumb to push the shift key on the keyboard today.
Not that this latest bout with the gout has kept me from accomplishing things.
It has slowed me down.
I have been REALLY uncomfortable.
It has been draining and I have only been able to do as much as I can before collapsing.
That "as much as I can" has included driving my bus daily, taking up and disposing of all of the flooring in our dining room, family room, kitchen and 2 hallways,shopping for and preparing meals, taking down our pool and mulching the 20' x 20' square where the pool once sat along with a number of other varied chores.
Quitting or just doing nothing has never been and will never be an option!
I do look forward to the time in the very near future that I can resume normal activities,without pain and not draining my resources to the edge of the point of no return.
Until then, I do what I can.
Not because I have to.
Well maybe just because I have to?
That's just me.

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