Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Grand Funk Ending

“Be changed and the world around you begins to change.”
~ Dr. Gerald Epstein
I have been in a grand funk for quite some time now.
During the last week, that funk has become overwhelming as evidenced by my lack of writing.
Without boring you with or rehashing the underlying elements of that funk, I made the decision today to start the process of moving on.
I am not even going to bother you or myself with the minutiae of why I was in this funk or what the possible causes of this funk were.
None of that really matters.
What matters is making the choice to move on.
Once I made that choice, it is amazing at just how easy it is to pull myself out of that fog.
When the opportunity to have a conversation with someone about my malaise appeared, I grabbed it.
The person I shared this with was at best an acquaintance, certainly not someone who is an old friend.
I may have had a dozen conversations with her since we met 2 years ago.
Still when she asked how my holiday was,I allowed myself to share some of what I have been experiencing lately with her.
It was remarkably freeing.
On my ride home,I reached out to a dear friend who had written to me a week or so ago.
"I realized that I owed you a phone call and here it is!"
We spoke briefly, about 20 minutes or so, but now I felt as if I was gaining momentum.
The fog was continuing to dissipate.
I opened my emails and found one from 9 days ago that I had not responded to.
Another dear friend,this one form junior high school.
I re read the email that I had only scanned the first time I saw it,taking in all that he shared with me about his life and his family as best he could in a few paragraphs.
Naturally, this led to me sending a reply and filling him in on my life as best I could again in a thousand words or less.. (I didn't really count so I have no idea if it actually was less than 1000 words!)
As I was wrapping up that email my phone rang.
It was Susan.
Somehow, my voice had mysteriously become much more energetic than it had been for the last few days.
Funny how that seems to have happened.
I am reminded of something I picked up during the time when I was enrolled in coaching training.
I found that I was no longer living "under those circumstances".
I have chosen to live above any circumstances.
I have to admit....the view is much better from up above!
Up, up and away!....and moving on!

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