Monday, December 31, 2018

That's a first..................

“Any plan is better than no plan, and a good plan executed now is far better than a perfect plan executed too late.”
~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal
The Grooming Shoppe will be closed for 6 days!
Well that's a first!
Since opening our in May of 2016, this is the longest period of time that our doors have been closed.
To her credit, Becca saw the opportunity for a well deserved break and she acted on it, booking a 4 day escape to a warmer climate where she can spend some time with a friend and her sister.
Nothing fancy.
Just a quick get away.
For Susan, it's an opportunity to just take it easy for a few days.
My schedule doesn't allow for any vacation or down time.
Still, 6 days without the physical toll that grooming takes on her is nothing short of a godsend.
Traditionally, New Years day and New Years eve have not been all that special to me. Yes there were a few years where the entire family would go bowling together on New Years eve.
We also had a long standing New Years day dinner with some friends.
Times change .
Kids grow up.
People move on and new relationships bring new choices to be made.
There are new opportunities as well.
This hastily planned shutdown has afforded me the insight to look ahead to next year at this time.
With a little bit of planning and schedule adjusting, maybe Susan and I can sneak away for a day or 2 or 3 even in the future.
Heck, I have a whole year to figure it out, so why not?
At least I am aware of it now.
Who knows?
At this time next year we might be lying on a beach sipping fruity drinks somewhere.
We should probably be able to get some really cheap rates at the Jersey shore this time of year.
What do you think?
Now there's something to look forward to!

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