Sunday, December 2, 2018

Nothing to fear but fear itself

“The full measure of a man is not to be found in the man himself, but in the colors and textures that come alive in others because of him.”
Albert Schweitzer
Before heading out to the gym this morning I checked my emails as I do first thing every day .
One of my emails was from a dear friend commenting on my writing from yesterday. I didn't have time to read the whole email as my ride was outside honking. However in her opening sentence she made mention of the fact that I write about my time management issues quite a bit (she's a Scorpio as well !).
This stuck with me for the entire 30 minutes I was on the treadmill today.
What is it about time that concerns me so?
The one and only answer I came up with is that time is a resource that will eventually run out.
When my days are done, they're done!
Am I afraid that I am getting closer and closer to that time?
Is it fear of this inevitability that keeps me on edge all of the time?
Let's be honest here.
The candle of my life is now burning on the lower half.
There are most certainly less tomorrows than there are yesterdays and that equation changes on a daily basis.
Do I fear my proximity to the finish line?
Am I overly concerned that the flame on my candle will soon be extinguished?
When I came home from the gym, I went back to my computer and read the rest of her email.
It made me smile.
You see, she sees that candle as a scented one (my words,not hers) .
While it is true that there is less and less candle left to burn each day, the perfume from that candle , having burned as long as it has, continues to fill the air more and more each day.
Even as the flame starts to flicker and diminish,and it always does,there will be the scent left behind.
The undeniable byproduct of that burning candle.
A candle light that illuminates a room will eventually die out.
The aroma in the air will last much much longer.
That is the legacy.
Thank you my friend!

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