Friday, November 16, 2018

Finally a Friday Post!

  "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
~ Harry S Truman 
It seem like forever that I took the time to share with you on a How Am I Doin' Friday.
(no sooner did I write this than I got 5 phone calls in a row! It's now 2 hours later!)
Just to catch up on things...I'm doing great!
I am on day 18 of a planned 21 day cycle.
It's going well , however my hopes of fitting into the "goal" jeans sitting near my bed are diminishing rapidly.
That's okay for now.
My current plan is to jump on another 21 day cycle after Thanksgiving weekend and then one more just after Christmas and before I head out to the trade shows in January.
I eat fairly clean all of the time.
While this in and of itself is a good thing, when it comes to losing weight,it's not as if there is a lot of garbage for me to cut out making the process a bit more tedious.
The simple fact of the matter is I must remain diligent or deal with the consequences .
We had a huge winter storm here yesterday.
I have had a number of calls this morning from friends and colleagues all sharing their own particular stories of their commutes home last night.
While the details may be different, the bottom line is that we all experienced unbelievably long trips ,3,4, 5 hours and more!
I finally returned home at just after 9 pm after spending over 6 and a half hours behind the wheel of my bus and then another 30 minutes getting home.
If nothing else it will be an experience that I will remember for quite some time!
I had hoped to do a "something" with these emails and my blog sight heading into Thanksgiving.
Unfortunately, time once again became a scarce commodity and I never did get around to launching that.
Maybe I can find the time over the next week or so to restructure my idea and get it going as an end of the year/into the New Year thing.
And then of course,there's the book (a friend of mine just asked "whatever happened to the book?")
As I said to him, if I had a publisher who would give me a 6 figure advance I am sure I could make the time to get the book done!
It's all good!
Life is good!
And eventually I will get around to everything that needs to be gotten around to.
In the meantime (isn't it always about the "in the meantime"?) I just keep keepin' on!
I hope you do as well!
Shabbat Shalom!

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