Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A pretty good version of me!

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
I was up and at it early again today. Yesterday's heavy rains were followed by a significant drop in temperature so I knew that my bus would be a bit like an icebox this morning.
I had 2 new passengers on my route today so I wanted to make sure that all was as good as could possibly be.
As it often happens with new patrons, there were a few challenges to be met, which I managed with the skill and ease of a seasoned professional.
Of course these challenges came with a cost,eating way deeper into my morning .
I had to shop, put up dinner and get to a funeral by noon.
Handled it all!
I felt at ease at the funeral, standing tall in the chill of the overcast Autumn day.
I took notice of the fact that other than the mourners and the Rabbi, I knew no one else at the funeral.
Still I felt strong in my presence knowing that it was appreciated.
After leaving the cemetery, I sped home, grabbed some lunch to take with me along with a cup of coffee from the fresh pot I brewed before the service and then headed back for my afternoon run.
As I gathered my passengers , one of the directors from the center stopped to mention how good I looked today.
I kind of knew that but it certainly didn't hurt to hear it from someone else.
At one of my stops, my handicap ramp had a major malfunction , stranding a wheel chair in mid air.
While everyone around me began to freak out, I calmly set about rectifying the situation and rescuing the stranded passenger.
I still had 2 more runs to make before being able to head home.
Still I was calm and collected.
I realized that I was having a good day, mostly because I had showed up as a pretty good version of me.
I looked good.
I felt good.
And I preformed well.
I had a confident swagger about myself.
Yep, this was a pretty good version of me.....even if it was for just one day.

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