Thursday, September 20, 2018


“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
~ Jon Kabat-Zinn  
The last time you heard from me was over a week ago.
It's not that you haven't been on my mind or that I was too busy.
No,once again it was a computer issue.
This time ,much to my dismay, it was a doozie!
When I opened my computer Thursday morning as I do every day before I head out for my morning bus run, I was greeted with a message from Microsoft alerting me to some changes that they were making.
The screen read "Microsoft is making some necessary updates. Do not turn off your computer".
A short while later, they finished,my computer restarted itself and when I signed back in, everything was gone.
And I mean everything.
My manuscript, my financial,my work related files and documents. Every file I ever created.
Backup you ask?
Hell no.
That would have taken some planning on my part.
I have tried everything for days to restore my work to no avail.
While I have not given up hope of being able to someday find these missing files, I have made the choice to pick up and start over.
Remember when you were a kid and you called for a do over because you didn't like the outcome the first time?
Well do over is a dumb term
If it didn't work out the first time, why would I repeat (or do over) the same actions?
I prefer to say try again.
Clean slate you say?
There is never a perfectly clean slate. Once the chalk hits the chalkboard, no matter how hard you try, there is always a faint remnant of the mark you made.
I remember getting a brand new Etch-A-Sketch. Once you made that first line, the screen ,or the slate, was marred forever.
Some day I will resume my efforts to find my missing files
Someday I will have all of those great resources at my fingertips once again.
For now, the more important course of action is to get back to work.
To return to my life.
To move forward.

Someday I will.....
Until someday comes, I will just keep on keepin' on!

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