Thursday, September 6, 2018

September Word of the Month

"Positive thinking won’t let you do anything, but it will help you do everything…better than you can with negative thinking.”
~ Zig Ziglar

September Word of the Month:
the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important.
While driving on my early morning run today, it dawned on me that a) we are now in September and b) the Jewish High Holidays are here.
Not that this came to me as some great revelation or that I was unaware of this prior to this morning.
It just became clear to me that there is some significance to both and maybe I should spend some time figuring out what that might be.
Glancing back over the last few days and weeks, I suppose other things have been of more importance to me.
Without rehashing what ever has been occupying my time, it's probably a good idea for me to at least acknowledge the dates fro the calendar and see if they have any special opportunities for me to address.
Sadly,(I think?), the holidays are not stirring up anything inside of me.
I do have some commitments at shul and with the family, however emotionally and spiritually I got nothin' going on as the Yom Tovim approach.
As far as the secular calendar, the only thing that pops up for me as we turn the page to September is that I needed to find a new Word of the Month.
Immediately the word priority came up.
What are my priorities?
What is important to me?
What things have been occupying my time and energy?
Well, that's a damn good question!
Maybe the gift of the holidays will help me create some space, some down time , which I can take advantage of.
Maybe this lull in the action will allow me to spend some time contemplating what my priorities are.
Maybe that's all I need from this change of the month on the calendar.
Maybe the new year is a time for new beginnings...well not really, there are no NEW beginnings.
By definition, a beginning is a start and therefore they are always new.
Today's aha moment is that this feels like the very outer layer of an onion that will take quite a bit of peeling!

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