"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves."
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
Or not!
I kind of hate that expression.
Talk about limiting beliefs!
There are many other uses for lemons than making lemonade.
Lemons are a beautiful, colorful fruit.
The aye extraordinarily pleasing in their fragrance.
You can use all parts of the lemon from the rid to the meat.
And the only god thing you can come up with is lemonade?
I was having a conversation with a colleague the other day.
He was going on and on about his neighbor who was having his yard landscaped.
Not just a landscaper cutting his grass and trimming the bushes.
This guy had a crew of 8-0 workers at his house for almost 2 weeks, tearing out the old and replacing literally everything from the soil up.
Actually he even had underground sprinklers and drainage added under the top soil.
A fortune went into his new lawn.
My colleague was bemoaning all of this, stuck on how "wastefully" that money was being spent and how he could "barely" afford to pay someone to cut his grass.
I listened ,kind of halfheartedly.
I was more interested in seeing the work being done and trying to figure out which of these new elements I might add in my yard.
He had some great grasses going in.
I'm not a big fan of shrubs so they didn't mean much to me.
I also think I get plenty of rain here so an underground sprinkler system is not on my bucket list.
The point I am making is my friend was stuck on "I just have to make do with the little I have" and I was relishing the opportunity to make the most of what I have.
Same vista,different vision.
When life hands you lemons.....be thankful !
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