"And the waters became exceedingly powerful upon the earth, and all the lofty mountains that were under the heavens were covered up." Genisis 7:19
Okay, so it hasn't been 40 days an 40 nights of rain, but it has been fairly intense. Yesterday, my day begin with water cascading into our bedroom from a roof leak. I wish I could say that was the low point of the day, however, you can probably guess that wasn't so. Weekend grooming cancellations starting coming one after another. A half a dozen or more before 10 a.m. Retail foot traffic just didn't exist. By 1 o'clock the northbound lane of the road in front of our store was closed due to flooding. By 2, both lanes were flooded. At around 3, the waters made there way over the curbs and up to the sidewalks. At first, the road directly in front of our store was closed. The the barricades were moved a few hundred feet in either direction. Then the perimeter was sealed of over a quarter of a mile further. Our last dog left at 5. His owner had to leave his car up the road and carry his dog back down the street. It was at that point we decided it was time to make our escape, praying that we hadn't waited to long. Driving Becca's flex EV through what was now a lake at the end of our lot was an uncertainty. We made it out, but not by much. Sitting at the traffic light a mile up the road, Becca said "well, now we have time to build the Sukkah!" Which we did when we got home. In a blink of an eye, we had the sukkah up and shortly there after we made our way into it to make Kiddush and Motzi (traditional Friday night prayers). Shabbat dinner was inside, however the day ended on a truly high note. A welcome rainbow at the end of the storm! Shabbat Shalom "So long as the earth exists, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." GenesisChapter 8:22