With all of the noise and nonsense swirling about in our nation, I am finding it harder and harder to continue to be the kind,caring, gentle, happy individual I work so hard at trying to be.
People on both sides of all issues just keep saying the dumbest things .
And to be perfectly honest, most of them have nothing but their own opinions to weigh in with. None of the noise is supported by fact,at least not all of the facts.The "TRUTH" is nowhere to be found.
"Listen to the scientists!"
Which ones?
"Follow the Law".
Again, which ones?
Arguments abound .
The one and only thing I am 100% sure of is that there will be no kumbaya moment where all minds will come together and there is peace and brotherhood throughout the land.
It ain't gonna happen.
We hold these truths to be self evident?
We can't agree on what truth is and we certainly can't agree on any of what follows that statement.
I for one refuse to even pretend to have an intelligent conversation around any of this.
First because I myself am certainly no expert.
Second because I am not going to sway anyone nor will anyone sway me in my beliefs.
Mostly,though, because the minute I try,people go completely bat shit crazy!
70 million plus people hate the guy in the White House.
Another 70 million plus hate the way things have been for the last 50 years or so.
Am I going to change any of that? I don't think so.
If those in office are of the mindset that I support,I'm happy. If the other side is in charge,it's a safe bet that I won't be.
Loads of people are wearing masks,social distancing,getting tested and self quarantining.
Just as many absolutely think that much of what is going on is overreaching and overreacting.
So where will we find common ground.
Usually that happens when we have a common enemy.
Anyone up for a good war?
There is no such thing as constructive debate.
What there is is a whole lot of nastiness from both sides of the issues.
Sadly, there is nothing on the horizon in my view that will mitigate any of this.
Truths are what we each individually believe them to be.
That will not change.
Neither will anyone's deeply held beliefs and opinions.
At some point,reality outweighs truth.
And the reality is there will be no great coming together anytime soon.
Shabbat Shalom